Violent Crimes
As per Maryland’s criminal law code, assault refers to the unwanted or harmful touching of another person. It carries the most serious penalties with it, including a potential sentence of life imprisonment.

Second Degree Assault
From unwanted touching to physical altercations, 2nd Degree Assault can be charged for even the mere threat of bodily contact and can result in up to 10 years of incarceration.
First Degree Assault
Unwanted physical contact with a weapon or to cause lasting or permanent bodily harm can cause you to be charged with this serious offense. There doesn’t need to be actual harm for you to be sentenced for 25 years incarceration if you are found guilty of this serious charge.

Reckless Endangerment
When you place another person at risk of serious injury or death with a weapon or vehicle.
Taking somebody else’s property by force has a maximum penalty of15 years imprisonment.
Armed Robbery
Taking someone’s property with the use of a firearm or dangerous weapon can carry a sentence of 20 years in prison.
Being accused of intentionally taking the life of another person presents our clients with the most serious of all criminal cases and the longest sentencing possible…life without the possibility of parole!
The forceful taking of a person’s car or conveyance is one of the most serious theft crimes and carries a penalty of 30 years in prison.
Firearm in Commission of Crime of Violence
Using a gun to commit any of these offenses can result in a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years (maximum of 20 years) added on to any sentence. This means that you will have to complete all 5 years without possibility of parole or reprieve. This also means that you will have to complete this sentence before you can start doing time for any other crimes you have been found guilty of. In short…being accused of using a firearm to commit any crime can be life changing and devastating.